The Arab Board of Medical specialties‏ :
The Arab Board of Health specializations‏ is founded in 1978 in Damascus by a decision of the Council of Arab Ministers of Health of the Arab League and aims to improve health services in the Arab world by raising the level of scientific and practical in various disciplines, not to make a profit.
Proved to the Arab Council for terms of reference of health since its inception that a certificate of Arabic and the level of scientific reliability is high, is back on Arab society in general and Arab doctors, in particular diffuse benefits.
As evidenced by the Council on its ability to raise the level of professional performance, medical, and became a training which is supervised by the reputation of honorable.
There is no doubt that the Arab countries feel the benefits that result from cooperation to meet the training needs, in terms of quantity and quality, within the Arab world. In furtherance of this thought is the Arab Council for terms of reference of health to continue his efforts to achieve the principle of complementarity in the Arab world so as to achieve optimum utilization of the capacities of the Arab world for each of his sons, and raise the level of training and rehabilitation to strengthen the status of the certificate granted by the Council, and the creation of harmony and uniformity of this certificate and the certificate granted by the national councils of competence in the Arab countries. It behooves that are working to achieve this lofty goal for the people of the Arab world one .
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1. Graduate medical specialists, with the professionalism and high scientific, according to international standards.
2. Work to improve health services in the Arab world, by raising the level of scientific and practical for doctors working in different disciplines, in collaboration with educational institutions concerned.
3. Specifications recognized training for the preparation of specialists in various branches of medicine in all respects, and work on updating and maintaining its level control of the decision, with revised periodically to develop and keep pace with medical advances.
4. Lay the foundations for assessing scientific level and technical and vocational education for doctors who will exert these terms of reference after the termination of the training period in accordance with recognized international standards.
5. Achieve the greatest possible degree of integration and cooperation in the field of training, between the Arab Council for terms of reference for health and between councils and national agencies of jurisdiction.
1. The formation of boards and scientific committees of each medical specialties, to describe the training required of all its aspects, and the adoption of the foundations of the evaluation.
2. Create a database for trainers to include their qualifications, their ability to give, and follow-up continuing education and development expertise.
3. Establish a database of training centers in the Arab world, including the potential for absorption, and training capacities of the different sections, and the resources available, thus ensuring integrity of the process management training in a scientific manner effective.
4. Laying the foundations of certificates of competence for doctors who meet the conditions established by the Council, and the granting of certificates to those who successfully passed examinations held by the scientific councils and its affiliates.
5. Adoption and the adoption of all the mechanisms and requirements for the application of continuing medical education program to ensure maintenance of proper scientific Alumni Council
6. Organizing seminars and training courses for doctors who are preparing themselves to the jurisdiction, in cooperation with medical and educational institutions in the Arab world.
7. Professional help doctors to pursue education on an ongoing basis, to develop their knowledge and expertise, and update through self-learning and other modern methods.
8. Overcome the obstacles that may prevent the full utilization of training capacity of the Arab nation, and creating mechanisms for supporting integration, Ktfiel IFAD organized, and encourage the exchange agreements, and on scholarships and other mutual.
9. Urged the training centers in the Member States to ensure access to sources of medical information and research of all kinds, including international information network (Internet), and to encourage trainees to take advantage of them.
10. Releases and publications that meet the objectives of the Council.
11. Adoption of evidence-based medicine as a basis for training and practice.
12. The adoption of scientific research as an essential part of practical training.
13. Granting honorary degrees.
The council has a basic system contains the general rules on book illustration and conditions of membership in each of them set out later. The Authority shall issue to the Supreme Council for the internal regulations include all the details of the procedural and administrative affairs, financial, technical, and how to grant certificates.
1. Supreme Body: It consists of:
1 - six of Arab Health Ministers selected by the Council of Arab Ministers of Health in accordance with the following criteria:
A - four of them at least from those with organic actors.
B - at least four of them doctors.
C - at least two of them members of the Executive Bureau of Arab Health Ministers.
As has also chosen three health ministers Arabs Krdvae at least two of them from doctors.
2 - two representatives from each state member of the Council are chosen from the following agencies: Ministry of Health, universities (medical schools), the local councils of the jurisdiction that does not follow the representatives to one side. It is stipulated that the representative of the Ministry of Health to be a medical specialist medical qualifications high, has been going on the exercise of jurisdiction at least five years. Provided that in the representative institutions of medical education to be the rank of professor. It is advisable to be representative of the local councils of the jurisdiction of the Secretary-General of the Council.
3 - representatives of the Arab Office for the Eastern Mediterranean World Health Organization.
4 - Secretary General of the Arab Doctors Union.
2. Executive Office: consists of seven members as follows:
1 - Minister of Health of the host country as president. Shall be elected by the supreme body of the rest of the members as follows:
2 - two representatives from the ministries of health - from countries with active membership.
3 - two representatives of medical schools - those with membership of the actors.
4 - two representatives of bodies and local councils, professional - from countries with active membership.
In addition to all of the Secretary-General of the Arab Board for Medical Specialization (Rapporteur) and his aides are not entitled to vote.
3. Scientific councils:
1 - is for each jurisdiction of the scientific council of the decision of the Executive Committee based on nominations by Member States.
2 - that membership should be for a period of / 4 / years, renewable to a maximum term of office for two consecutive terms only.
3 - have the scientific councils of scientific and technical independence is the only reference in this domain.
4 - councils are committees to achieve its objectives, including:
- Commission decisions and descriptions, training and public recognition and renewal of this recognition and exchange of experiences.
- Committee for examination and scrutiny of documents.
- Committee on Continuing Medical Education.
4. Scientific Advisory Board Joint: consists of the heads of scientific councils. The following tasks:
- Coordination in the common things between the scientific councils.
- The proposal is necessary to ensure the required level of training, training courses and exams.
- Develop general criteria for the recognition of certificates of the foundations of other jurisdiction.
- What shall be referred to him by the Executive Office and the scientific councils.
- Recommend the inclusion of new terms of reference within the training programs of the Arab Board.
To raise its annual report to the supreme body of the Council through the Executive Office and its recommendations become effective after approval by the Board.
5. Secretariat: It includes:
1 - an office headed by the Secretary-General to implement the decisions of the Supreme and the Executive Office of the Arab Board for Medical Specialties and walks of Technical Affairs and Administration and Finance, Secretary General shall be ex officio a decision of the Supreme Commission and the Executive Office and all the committees and conferences convened by the Council to be held. He may delegate these functions in the other.
2 - Assistant Secretary General for Technical Affairs and another for the Administrative and Financial Affairs appointed by the Executive Office.